四向轉動鏡頭 |工業內窺鏡
Inspection Camera VE 400N

ve 400n
The inspection camera has a 1.5 m / 4.9 ft long endoscope cable. With a diameter of only 4 mm, cavities with the smallest access can be viewed with the help of this inspection camera. The camera head of this inspection camera can move freely in 4 directions.
內窺鏡設有有1.5 m 長的鏡頭、直徑僅為4毫米,可以使用此檢查細小的設備、隙縫、儀器、通氣管及水管內部。再利用獨有的四向轉動控制及影像旋轉功能,令到檢查工作更為便利。
VE 400N Especially in the maintenance of engines, turbines, etc., the high-resolution display from the inspection camera offers a good view of cavities and hard-to-reach places. The moveable camera has a resolution of 1,000,000 pixels. The field of view is 90°, which means that with a relatively short distance to the object to be inspected, very large images can still be taken with the inspection camera. All recordings from the inspection camera can be saved as an image or video. This helps to document damage to components precisely.
VE 400N 主要用在機械設備的檢查維護,鏡頭提供的高分辨率及90°廣闊視野,易於觀察機械內部空腔及微小的峽隙。
鏡頭在極近的物件前仍能提供清晰影像,除影片外,VE 400N 可提供影像儲存,影片及圖像都可保存到SD CARD 中,這有助於準確記錄對組件的損壞。

支援 HDMI 輸出
透過內建 HDMI 端子,直接將影像輸出顯示屏幕上,檢查工作一覽無遺。
4 mm camera head
1.5 m / 4.9 ft endoscope cable
4-way camera
5" monitor
Image and video memory
IP67 camera cable
1,000,000 pixel image resolution
10 ... 100 mm focus distance

Another very important area of application for the inspection camera is the technical area, whether in the automotive industry for checking engines, in the sanitary area for examining drains or in building protection for checking houses for pests, in all of these areas the inspection camera is essential. The inspection camera owes its great popularity to the many different versions available on the market today. The basic types are the rigid inspection camera or the flexible inspection camera.