Geotechnical Instrument

Encardio-rite model EAN-26M is one of the most advanced MEMS digital inclinometer system being produced anywhere in the world. It utilizes the capability of high computational power and large high resolution colour display of today’s Android OS based mobile phones as a readout and data storage unit.
The digital inclinometer system consists of a traversing type digital tilt sensing probe that is connected to a reel unit kept at borehole top. The reel unit consists of a winding reel that holds the cable and a wireless Bluetooth relay unit that sends the digital probe data to the mobile phone. A rechargeable battery in the reel unit supplies power to the whole system.

Advanced, light weight, shock resistant digital MEMS bi-axial inclinometer system.
Uses easily available Android OS based GSM/GPRS capable mobile phones as hand held readout unit.
Phone provides high resolution vivid colour display of read- ings and graphs.
Wireless Bluetooth connection eliminates cable between rotating reel and mobile phone readout.
Mobile phone memory capacity allows local storage of more than 1 million data points.
Data can be compared instantly after logging with previously logged data using different graph types.
Data can be sent instantly to central server over GSM/GPRS connection.

The Encardio-rite model EAN-26M Inclinometer system basically consists of four components:
Access tube and fittings
Digital tilt sensing probe
Interconnecting cable on a portable reel
Mobile phone as a readout/datalogger unit


ABS access tubes have longitudinal keyways, specially produced to close tolerances. Wheels of tilt sensing probe can run smoothly inside these keyways.
Access tubes are 3 m in length. Different kinds of couplings are available to rapidly join access tubes. Telescopic couplings are available in case settlement is expected to take place. Design of these couplings ensure that correct alignment of keyways is maintained throughout depth of gage well.

EAN-26MV Inclinometer probe
Digital probe of stainless steel construction is fitted with two pairs of pivoted sprung wheels which can rotate freely. Standard gage length between the wheels is 500 mm. An option of 2’ gage length is also available. The spring loaded wheel arms help to position the probe centrally inside the access casing at any required depth. Probe consists of two precision MEMS accelerometers. One accelerometer has its axis in the plane of the wheels and other at 900 to it. The probe senses horizontal deviation between the probe axis and the vertical plane, simultaneously in both the orthogonal axis. A four pin connector is provided for connection to the cable.

Digital Inclinometer Analysis Software
ER InclinoView software has been designed to process bore- hole data from Encardio-rite's EAN-26M digital inclinome- ter. It is suitable for plotting mean deviations, absolute borehole profile, cumulative deviation against depth and time vs deviation and vector plots at each depth. It can also plot checksums for assessment of quality of data. Plots can be easily switched between top or bottom reference. The plots can be viewed along inclinometer casing grooves or along a skew angle. Spiral correction can also be applied if such data is available.