In-place Inclinometer
The in-place inclinometer system typically consists of a string of digital inclination sensors. This string of sensors is positioned inside the inclinometer casing to span the movement zone. Each in-place inclination sensor is fitted with a pair of pivoted sprung wheels

• Reliable, accurate and simple to read.
• Proven technology.
• Rugged and robust construction.
• Excellent temperature stability.
• The digital sensors have both SDI-12 and Modbus output options, making it versatile for commonly used digital datalogger

Project Ref.
Musaimeer Pumping Station and Outfall Project
The in-place inclinometer (IPI) sensor array (chain) is used for determination of sub-soil ground displacement profile over a certain depth. A series of inclinometer access tubes, attached to each other, are installed in a borehole or embedded in earth/rock fill or concrete structure during construction or fixed to the vertical face of a completed structure.
The IPI system consisting of a string of tilt sensors is positioned inside the inclinometer casing to span the movement zone. Each tilt sensor with digital output (SDI-12 and Modbus) is fitted with a pair of pivoted sprung wheels and connected to rigid bars (gage tube) of desired length. The total length of tilt sensor plus the length of gage tube forms the gage length for that particular tilt sensor. The IPI chain consists of tilt sensor and gage tube assemblies connected together end to end to form an array of sensors.

Spec ESDL-30 datalogger

Spec IPI Tilt sensor

// IPI 組成連接 //