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Temperature / Humidity / Air pressure / 3-axis-acceleration / Light

Wireless monitoring of measurement data and rapid reading of measured values – this ease of use is offered by the new MSR145WD wireless Barometer. The Barometer is equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy, a bright OLED graphic display and the optional web-based service MSR SmartCloud for data monitoring from any location.

Select the sensorhousing and the corresponding battery.


溫度 / 濕度 / 氣壓 / 震動 / 光度

微型精密裝置內,採用超精密檢測部件,設有OLED二極管顯示,用戶能即時監測溫、濕、氣壓及震動等數據。MSR145WD 更加入2.4 GHz藍牙功能,能夠快速與 iOS 及 Android APP 連接提取數據。透過 MSR SmartCloud 雲端技術,能夠向用戶提供警告信息功能,更可同時管理多部監測器所得數據。其精密細小設計,令裝置能設於不同類型的生產及工程設備上


MSR 145WD Manual Download



Multi Sensor Data Logger MSR145WD

  • - Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth 4.0 Smart) 2.4 GHz
    - Radio range: approx. 10 m
    - Communication with multiple MSR145WD data loggers possible
    - Alarm function, transmission to MSR SmartCloud
    - Free smartphone app (Android, iPhone 4S+, iPad 3+)
    - Compatible with Windows or Linux PC (Bluetooth dongle available)
    - Sturdy BLE receiver box available as gateway
    - Parameters, sensors, etc. can be selected (Configurator)

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