XXM 30 為 XXM 20的延續之作,體積比上一代更輕便,減去機身按鈕及煩瑣控制。儀器內建波長範圍 400 - 700 nm 的 LED 光源,測量孔徑為 Ø8 mm。其色彩重複測量精度可達 ΔE ≤0.1*。
- HunterLab
- CIE-Luv
符合誤差時,螢幕顯示 綠色 提示。
超出誤差時,螢幕顯示 紅色 警示。
透過藍牙與 Android 裝置配對,可經由 App 調整測量參數、遠端控制測量,並即時顯示結果。支援測量數據比對,或讀取儲存於儀器內的歷史紀錄
The colorimeter is designed to carry out fast and precise color measurements of surfaces. The color ranges CIE-LAB, CIE-LCh, HunterLab, CIE-Luv, XYZ, RGB of the color can be determined with the colorimeter. An LED with a wavelength of 400 ... 700 nm is built into the colorimeter as a light source. The measuring opening of the colorimeter is Ø8 mm. Despite its compact design, the colorimeter has a repeatability of ΔE* from ≤0.1.
- USB-C interface for charging
- Battery life for approx. 10,000 measurements
- Pass / Fail function
- Measuring opening of Ø8 mm / 0.31"
- Bluetooth interface with free app
- Various adjustable light sources
Colorimeter XXM 30
Measurement geometry and angle D/8-SCI Calibration black and white Color ranges CIE-LAB, CIE-LCh, HunterLab, CIE-Luv, XYZ, Yxy RGB Formulas for color inequality ΔE*ab, ΔE*cmc, ΔE*94, ΔE*00 WI ASTM E313-00, ASTM E313-73, CIE/ISO, AATCC, Hunter, Taube Berger Stensby YI ASTM D1925, ASTM E313-00,ASTM E313-73 Blackness My, dM Color shade ASTM E313-00 Color density CMYK (A, T, E, M), Metamerism Index Milm, Munsell, opacity, dye strength, color strength Type of light source LED (full and visible wavelength range) Light source A, B, C D50, D55, D65, D75, F1 … F12, CWF, U30, DLF, NBF, TL83, TL 84, U35 Measuring angle 2°, 10° Repeatability ΔE* from ≤0.1 Difference between two different color meters (IIA) ΔE* 00 <0.4 Accuracy refers to the average measurement of
12 BCRA Series II referencesMeasurement opening Ø8 mm / 0.31" Wavelength interval 10 mm / 0.39" Wavelength 400 … 700 nm Memory 10 measured values, redundant Measurement time <1 s Display LC display, 135 x 240 p, 1.14" Interfaces Bluetooth, USB-C Power supply 5 V DC, 1 A Battery life ca. 10,000 measurements Ambient conditions 5 … 45 °C / 41 … 113 °F, <90 RH, non-condensing Dimensions Ø35 x 130 mm / Ø1.37 x 5.11" Weight 87 g / 3 oz