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Digital storage osczilloscope of the latest generation with high-resolution color display, backlight, high bandwith and high sampling rate, VGA-output, large internal memory, USB port and LAN connection for integration into networks. The amazing value for money and modern technology allows a wide range of applications in education, service and quality assurance area.

Oscilloscope PKT-1255

  • Bandwidth 100 MHz
    Display 20 cm (8”) TFT with 65536 colors
    Resolution 800 x 600 Pixel
    Channel 2 CH
    Sampling mode normal/peak detect/average
    Sampling rate each Channel 1 GSa/s
    Input coupling AC, DC, GND
    Input impedance 1 MΩ +/- 2 % in parallel with 15 pF +/- 5 pF
    Input voltage 400 V DC or ACpp
    Sensitivity 2 mV - 10 V/Skt/div.
    Rise time < 3,5 ns
    Accuracy +/- 3 %
    Vertical resolutions 8 Bits (2 CH simultaneously)
    Horizontal scale 1ns-100s/Skt./div
    Sampling range 0,5 - 250 S/s
    Trigger type Edge/Video/Pulse/Slope
    Trigger mode Auto, Normal, Single
    Trigger coupling DC, AC, LF, HF
    20 automat. measurements peak-peak, cycle RMS, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Vamp, overshoot, preshoot, rise time, fall time, +width, -width, +duty, -duty, delay A→B (rising), delay A→B(falling), frequency, period, min, max
    Phase difference +/- 3°
    Record length 10.000.000 points/CH
    Interfaces USB, VGA, LAN
    Operation voltage 100 ~ 240 V ACrms / 50/60 Hz

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